Everybody goes thru different phases of their life. Every moment has its importance. To, keep them alive and open to others, here is the place where one can read me from internally. One find me prevalently as a protoganist and seldom as a cameo in this 'Romeo's tales'.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
He's Not Alive, But He Is Thru With His Work !

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hors de' combat
Thursday, June 4, 2009
AutoMotive Industry!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Its The Repertoire From The Ratatouille At Last !

Saturday, April 4, 2009
My Poem On Caress ness of A Mother !
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Practice Makes Man Perfect !
I never bothered about the neatness & appearance of my hand-writing while I was in school. I even didnot bothered about it relatively with other classmates too. I even didnot realise its necessity. And was in an impression that, I could not bring a neat hand-writing from my hand, so, didnot dare to think about it.
One day, while I was in IX std., I submitted and put my English notes in the pile of other's notes, after a lesson for correction. As my notes had come into hands of our master, I think it (my messy hand-writing), made him irritated. Soon, I found him become irascible and later my notes flewing literally in the air, to point it out of the class door. I was warned at that time, to bring back the notes for correction the next day, with neatly written. I was shocked and frightened, and to a little embarrassed.
On that evening, I spent sometime writing the notes again, but, this time, so carefully and with much patience. After my long struggle, I was amazed to see what had I done. Letters in the words were so neat and cute. I felt happy and astonished looking at the output. Next day, I submitted my notes and got escaped from the punishment.
I again, didnot concentrate on the same, as didnot get the time. And, I finished my High-School. Time took me to the change, when I entered Intermediate. Owing to health problem, I joined the college lately, nearly I lost 2 months time. So, when I joined college I involved in copying my notes from others. So, I got an ample amount of time to exercise for improving my hand-writing. I then recalled my past experience and realised to implement that hand-wrinting now. I could say its my penance in crafting my hand-writing. Intially, I couldnot able to put the words in good appearance, as well the sentences. But, after two months of my start I was able to bring beautiful appearance at my notes. After my ordered penance, I achieved success. Then, I realised the phrase, 'Practice Makes Man Perfect', is true and real. Soon, it become casual for me to maintain my notes neat and good.
I in mean times, whenever, I feel a certain thing/job is not feasible at once, I recall my experience, and try to implement it, saying to myself, to follow constant practice.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Yes! I Believe In God!
The Back Ground Story-2: On that day, it became late for me to start from my room. Only 5 min I was left with. So, I tried to hurry on my bi-cycle to reach soon. Then, it happened that, my cycle's stand got lose and got struck-up in my rear wheel. Apprehensive about deniance to class today, I scurried to the cycle repair shop at Hall-7. Mean while the clock almost ticked 11 a.m. Still hoped to get it repaired soon upon insisting the repairman with an estimatation that he repairs it soon. Second's hand continued to move into minutes. Almost I lost 10min, when I got the bicycle mended. Even, I ride with bike's speed it will definitely take 5 more min. So, disappointed by what had happened with me on that day, and with apprehensive in mind what sir might ask in the next class, I slowly returned to my room.
The Back Ground Story-3: Reached Hall, parked bicycle, got to my room and opened the door. Oh Damn! I found, I couldn't able to believe my eyes. Smoke engulfed entire room, fire blazing near the table. Situation soon made my mind to respond immediately. But, how? power was on. I couldnot able to put off the circuit. So, I dared to pull out the plug of the burning blower and dragged the blower outside and putoff the fire. Soon realised to notice that, the fire had just broke not more than 10min before. Or else, it would have gone into an inferno, soon leaving all my articles, books, my new (then) PC, clothes and entire room charred into ashes.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Memorable Ragging !

Youu! Hey you, you guys! come here, hard words heard by us as if they blasted out from a cracking stone. All of a sudden, we stopped to see whoz that,upon realising that those words came out from one, among a battery of seniors, who sat on steps near our College Bus-stop, we sauntered till them. Those are the early days of my Engineering days, and obviously we (juniors) move in groups as herds, always trying to escape becoming a scapegoat from seniors, by getting caught. But, we can't escape from the brunt as we usually get caught, standing for getting the bus. We all made to stand in a row to get ragged.